History Buffs Enjoy Vermont Vacations

Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Coolidge. Coolidge was Lt. Governor from 1916-1919.

If American history is your thing, then Vermont should be your destination for your next vacation. Here is just one small example of what hidden gems there are to be found in one of the founding states of the Union.

At the Calvin Coolidge Homestead District/President Coolidge State Historic Site you can bask in a fascinating slice of history. At this site, you can view the very room in which Calvin Coolidge was sworn into office as the 30th president of the United States, at 2.47 am on August 3, 1923 after his predecessor, Warren G. Harding died from a heart attack.

Coolidge was from the tiny town of Plymouth Notch, whose population of 29 was suddenly thrust into national prominence when its native son became VP and then president. The town, and the room where Coolidge became president, has been preserved as it was more than 90 years ago, including the famous kerosene lamp that lit the room where he was sworn into office.

Your visit will take you through the life of Harding and Coolidge, the “Roaring 20s” and the aftermath of the Crash of ’29 and the depression that followed. Learn such tantalizing tidbits like why the White House staff called First Lady Grace Coolidge, “Sunshine,” and why Coolidge kept his three-piece suit on even while farming and fishing, after he became president.

Guaranteed you will learn a wealth of great information during your visit to this lesser known, but still amazing, attraction.
