I don’t know about you, but for me summer means the beach, long walks at night, and ice cream! And us lucky Vermonters have the best ice cream there is anywhere, right here at home. That’s right, its Ben & Jerry’s, and they have a tour of their factory in Waterbury.
Everyone will enjoy this 30 minute tour in which visitors learn about how their special ice cream is made, and how they use ethical values to drive their business model. But not to worry: a visit is not just a lesson in good corporate citizenship; it is also a way to taste not only some of your favorite flavors, but some astoundingly original new ones, too!
The gift shop on the premises offers some great items for the most devout of Ben & Jerry’s fans, from T-shirts to mugs to lip balms. Don’t forget a visit to the Flavor Graveyard where you can mourn the loss of some of B & J’s dearly departed flavors.
Summer is the best time of year to visit this remarkable, Vermont-based factory which is the source of joy for many people all over the world. Go and have a taste!